The Little Rock Stewpot needs Volunteers every day to help feed the hungry.
Volunteers are always needed at the Stewpot. Volunteers typically help prepare sack lunches one day a month, i.e., a certain day of the month and usually work only once a month. There is nothing to preclude working more than once a month. Normally working times each day are from 9:00 am - 11:00 am Volunteers help make sandwiches and whatever else is being served that day. Something hot, such as soup, stew, or wraps are served once or twice a week. Also, the items must be placed in paper bags which Jason and Yolanda carry down to the serving area. For special occasions, a hot meal is prepared and served downstairs rather than sack lunches. For these occasions, the regular team prepares the food and a special team serves the food to the diners. The teams have fun and interact with each other as they volunteer at the Stewpot.
Volunteers are also needed in the Clothes Closet. Volunteers distribute women's clothing on Tuesdays from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and men's clothing on Thursdays from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Barbara likes for women to distribute women's clothing and men to distribute men's clothing.
Please consider volunteering. For more information or to volunteer, contact the Stewpot at: